Explore IBDmate

Everything you need to know in one place

Our courses cover a huge range of topics and are delivered by IBD professionals and young patients.

Complete the courses in order or dip in and out of what interests you.

Courses available include:

  • Diagnosis journey
  • Understanding IBD
  • Symptoms of IBD
  • Treatment (medications and liquid diet)
  • Tests and procedures
  • Complications of IBD
  • Patient stories

More courses to be added soon

Putting IBD information in your hands

Videos and written content explore topics in depth, helping you build confidence in managing your IBD between hospital appointments.

View more example videos

Hear from patients

Young patients share their experiences of life with IBD and tips they’ve picked up along the way.

Aisha Oscar Callum
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Quick, simple answers

Our FAQ section answers common questions asked by other patients and their families.

Medical jargon explained

Scratching your head about what ESR, exclusive enteral nutrition or faecal calprotectin are?

Use our glossary to interpret complex medical terms used by doctors and nurses.

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phone displaying app